Neil Kilah, Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland, Australia


 A Justice of the Peace

Justices of the Peace are citizens who are entrusted by their community to take on special responsibilities. A Justice of the Peace in Australia is a 'lay' magistrate whose role is to assist members of the community with practical, and generally routine, legal and administrative matters.  

 A Justice of the Peace outside of Australia

A Justice of the Peace appointed in Queensland has a role in any community. 

In summary, this role is:

  • For any Australian citizen: a full range of functions for matters related to Queensland.
  • For any Australian citizen: a full range of functions for matters related to Australian Commonwealth matters.
  • For any Australian citizen and for matters NOT related to Queensland or Australian Commonwealth matters: case by case. Assistance for many matters for other Australian States can be provided but each case needs to be carefully checked and verified.
  • For citizens of other countries: No Authority for any non Australian matters

Apologies in advance if my services are not of use. I am always happy to assist in researching where you may find information and assistance.

 A Free Service   

  • A Justice of the Peace serves the community equally and  cannot accept any payment  in cash or kind. 
  • As it would be in Queensland and most Australian states all services are free of charge. Please don’t be offended if I refuse ‘payment’ for any services rendered.

Contact Details

Neil James KILAH. JP(Qual)



Email: (preferred contact)
LINE jpneil
Tel: 089 496 1842

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